Saturday, May 1, 2010

Bucket list

Hey PePs... So I am starting this blog because... I have been tHiNkInG... (scary I know) mainly about what I want to do, see, accomplish before I kick the bucket. Hence the bucket list down below... Blogging is on my list to do, so once I do something on the list I will blog about it.. So EnJoY!!!

1.Fall in love
2.go to a Yankees baseball game
3.Go to a cubs baseball game
4.Learn to swim
5.Color all the pages in a jumbo coloring book
6.Picket a random cause
7.serve food at a homeless shelter/ soup kitchen
8. become a foster parent
9. Be in a hot dog eating contest
10.Go to a Celine Dion concert
11.Go Hang-gliding
12.Go skiing/snowboarding
13.Visit New York
14.Visit Europe
15.Visit Australia
16.Go one week with out being in any pain (without using medicine)
17.Go on a ride a long with the police
18.Watch a autopsy
19.Quote a movie from start to end
20.Get my picture taken with someone who is famous
21.Meet Mariska Hargitay
22.Meet William Petersen
23.Meet Jorja Fox
24.Spend a day at the lake and go fishing
25.Run to the top of the statue of liberty
26.Get my foundation going
27.Sit on the jury
28.Save some ones life
29.go to every temple in the United States some ones mentor
31.Visit Zions national park
32.go to a real soccer game
33.go to a yoga class
34.Get a black belt in Karate
35.Visit Mt. rush more
36.go on a helicopter ride
37.Go on a hot air balloon ride
38.Go to a broad way play
39.Be in a play
40.Go to a art museum
41.Be in a 1 man band
42.Perform a magic show
43.adopt a accent for a day
44.Learn how to play chess---> (done) 04/28/10
45.Learn how to play the saxophone
46.Play night games ( capture the flag, ghost in the grave yard, etc…)---->(done)
47.Play hopscotch--->(done)
48.Play in a big game of Kickball
49.Create a board game
50.Open my own diner
51.Get a BA degree in forensic science
52.Memorize Pi (1000 numbers)
53.Memorize the elements
54.Learn and be able to speak fluently 5 different languages (English,Spanish,Korean, Italian,Arabic)
55. Style a Mohawk for a day----(done)
56. Declare my love/feelings for someone in a song and sing it for them or have someone who can sing, sing it
57. Participate in poetry reading
58. Experience child birth
59. Be in a big food fight
60. Be in the audience of a talk show
61. Go on a blind date---->(done) 12/2009
62. Ask a complete stranger out----->(done) 2007
63. Go to a art class
64. Learn how to break dance
65. Own a boxer (dog)
66. Go to a roller derby event----> (done)
67. Coach a soccer team---->(done)
68. Go to a circus
69. Learn how to play the piano
70. Wake up at 6 on a Saturday and watch classic cartoons all morning---->(done)
71. Ride a tandem bike
72.write and film my own movie
73. Throw a pie in someones face---->(done) 05/01/10
74. Go to a restaurant and eat a big hamburger and have my pic on the wall involved in Habitat for humanity
76.own my own house
77.ride the UTA bus with Keely
78. Ride a mechanical bull
79. Learn how to juggle
80. Learn how to skateboard---->(done)
81. Learn how to roller blade a marathon
83.go to a skate park
84. Stand up for myself
85. Ride the biggest roller coaster in the world
86. Ride in a semi and honk-----(done)
87. Give blood
88. Learn how to drive a stick shift
89. Witness a miracle
90. Go to a drive in movie
91. Spend all day at the movie theater
92. Fire a gun
93. Learn how to make balloon animals
94. Ride a elephant
95. Ride a camel
96. Talk in a silly helium voice--->(done) 05/01/10
97. Be a extra in a movie
98. Own 5000 dvd
99. Break a worlds record
100. Ride a train
101. Go to a renaissance festival--->(done) 05/01/10
102. Drive a race car
103. Go rock climbing
104. Go on a zip line
105. Visit the grand canyon
106. Visit all 50 states
107. Go on a cruise
108. Discover what makes me truly happy
109. Allow myself to make mistakes
110. Cut a ribbon at a major event
111. Become a millionaire
112. Go on a safari
113. See a koala bear
114. See a kangaroo
115. Milk a cow
116. Attend a event at the Olympics
117. Throw out the 1st pitch at a baseball game
118. Experience weightlessness
119. Adopt a child
120. Horse back riding
121. Go 4 wheeling---->(done)
122. Become a organ donor
123. Smash something on purpose----> (done) 03/2010
124. Write a love letter
125. Try curling
126. Start my own strange holiday
127. Leave a huge tip to a waiter or a waitress---->(done)
128. Join a gym
129. Witness a birth
130. Inspire someone
131. Go to prom
132. Thank someone who has changed my life----> (done)
133. Visit all 7 continents
134. Do 100 good deeds
135. Comfort the girl crying in the bathroom
136 make a child’s dream come true
137. Sleep on a roof
138. Hold a snake
139. Hold a tarantula
140. Feng- shui someone’s house
141. Own a Jag.(car not animal)
142. Own a prius
143. Chase a ice cream truck and buy ice cream
144. Buy a trampoline and jump---->(done)
145. Love my body/ except myself as i am
146. Go to a film premier
147. Get my picture taken by William Petersen’s star (walk of fame)
148 participate in a police line up
149. Eat something strange (alligator, etc)
150. Follow my favorite singer/ band on tour
151. Get married and stay married for eternity
152. go 1 day without talking
153. Go sky diving
154. get kick out of somewhere
155. ride on a fire truck
156. be in two places at once
157. puddle jumping
158. run in the 4th of july 5k parade
159. weigh 120
160.take pic of all my thing on the list
161. Be vegetarian for at least a year----> (done) 2008
162. help a stranger
163. go hunting
164. Be CPR certified----> (done) 12/2009
165. Be first aid certified---->( done) 12/2009
166. make a music video
167. Be a mascot--->(done) 2004
168. learn how to change a flat tire
169. go zorbing
170.Go camping---->(done)
171. Write a fan letter to someone famous--->(done) 04/30/10
172. live on a boat for a month
173. runaway and join the circus for the summer
174. challenge someone to a duel
175. be stuck on a elevator
176. help solve a crime
177. work in a orphanage for a summer
178, get hypnotize---->(done)
179. bring a fad back in style (slap bracelets)---->(done)
180. Ride the Sky Coaster at Lagoon----> (done)
181. be in a car when someone gets pulled over
182. follow someone in a cab
183. Go tanning --->(done) 04/10
184. learn how to do a front hand spring
185. learn how to do a back flip
186. go out with someone "older"
187. take a child on a toy shopping spree
188. yell at someone
189. throw a block party
190. ride in a blimp
191. start a blog and keep it "going"
192. Read 200 books
193. Run for something
194. do stand up comedy
195. Have my heart broken---->(done) since i can remember
196. start a bowling league
197. go golfing
198. to see my mom retired and living comfortably
199. go to a club
200. take Ry and lilly to Disneyland
201. Write and publish my book of poems (at least 100)

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